Not looking for royalty free travel music? We have other curated Royalty Free Music playlists for you to choose from. Don’t have enough time to search our catalog? Let our experienced Music Supervisors jump into action and help you to find what you need! CONTACT US and let us curate a playlist of recommended tracks for you!
An Indie song about things comin' around and life getting better. Would work in scenes where the characters are getting on with their lives, overcoming problems, and getting things done.
A head-banging rock tune to get any party started! Great for a montage scene of someone riding a motorcycle or background music being played at a bar. The added keyboard effects are also great for a space-themed film.
Fun, upbeat rock song that depicts having a great day. Would work great in children's shows or motivational clips. Sounds like The Beatles or Phil Collins.
A hippy blues jam with Allman Brothers slide guitar and hand percussion. A song about change and the law of attraction. Sounds like the Rolling Stones or Bo Didley
Upbeat country love song in the style of Garth Brooks. Great for any scene involving characters with the "will they won't they" vibe finally going for it!
Upbeat alternative rock with quick fire vocals, dreamy chord progressions, and a fun in the sun lyric. Perfect for scenes of escaping into a fun, carefree and warm life. Features a tempo change and dip into reggae!
Reaching for bigger and better things, one man band Jon Smith paints a tale of trying to escape one's current small town situation and find his true potential. Features Wurlitzer EP, horns, woodwinds, and even accordion!